In all these years, those who have chosen PANETTI's houses they did so driven by the desire to possess the highest home quality available on the market.
At to a level of quality assured, a careful design, a choice of the most appropriate materials and technical solutions, it adds an exemplary clarity in relations with customers.
At the preliminary design study of the functionality of the interior, including outside areas of service to homes, will be added detail and care of the technical plant part, all to ensure the durability and livability of the building; In fact, as always, we are striving to maximize thermal containment and the noise reduction.
Technical measures, the selection and the use of innovative materials are the care in designing and manufacturing the casing, means that often the buildings made by PANETTI are at the forefront, sometimes anticipating the adoption of more prescriptive national standards, with a certain effect of ensuring energy savings, environmental comfort and durability.
The relationship with client, which is the customer (public or private body) of a work to be carried out, both new construction buyer (homes, offices, shops), is handled during construction directly from 'enterprise, with the support the internal technical setup to maximize the assistance.
Gli accorgimenti tecnici, la scelta e l'utilizzo di innovativi materiali nonchè la cura nella progettazione e realizzazione dell'involucro, fa sì che spesso gli edifici realizzati da PANETTI sono all'avanguardia, talvolta anticipano l'adozione di normative nazionali più prescrittive, con il sicuro effetto di garantire risparmi energetici, comfort ambientale e durabilità.
Il rapporto con il cliente, sia quale committente (Ente pubblico o privato) di un'opera da realizzare, sia acquirente di nuova costruzione (abitazioni, uffici, negozi), viene gestito in corso d'opera direttamente dall' impresa, con il supporto della struttura tecnica interna per massimizzare l'assistenza.